Weekly Drawings
Congratulations! If you have questions about filling out the form, please contact our Support Team by emailing prizedrawings@evolveme.asa.org.
We’re asking for parent or guardian info because they’ll need to sign a declaration form for winners under 18. It’s also another way we can contact you!
Once you receive the email notifying you that you’re a winner, you’ll have 5 days to accept your prize. If you don’t accept within 5 days, we’ll select another winner.
Winners will be notified with an email from prizedrawings@evolveme.asa.org after the drawing period closes to let them know they’ve won.
Once you earn 1,000 points, fill out the form on the rewards page to redeem your points and enter for a chance to win. Please see our Official Rules for more information and other ways to enter the drawing.
If you’re under 18, your parent or guardian will need to be involved after you’ve won and claimed your prize. They’ll fill out a W9 and will need to show a government issued ID to confirm their identity. All communication with winners, as well as parents and guardians, is conducted digitally.
If you win, you’ll get an email from prizedrawings@evolveme.asa.org letting you know what to do next. Winners have 5 days to click on the link in that email to accept the prize. You’ll also need to provide some additional info about yourself (if you’re over 18) or a parent or guardian (if you’re under 18).
After claiming your prize, you or your parent or guardian will be asked to fill out a W9 and will need to show proof of a government issued ID to confirm the winner’s identity.
You’ll get an email confirmation when we receive your entry.
The EvolveMe Weekly Drawing is one way you can redeem the points you’ve earned by completing tasks for a chance to win $2,500.
You’ll get an email from prizedrawings@evolveme.asa.org if you’re one of our winners.
The Bonus Cash Drawing is an extra drawing with a bigger cash prize that takes place every few months. All Weekly Drawing entries that are not chosen as winners will automatically be entered into the Bonus Cash Drawing.
If you win, you’ll get an email from prizedrawings@evolveme.asa.org!
Once you or your child has accepted their prize, you will have 5 days to fill out the winner declaration form.
RTM, or Realtime Media, is the company that handles the administration of the EvolveMe drawings.
Winners will be chosen on Tuesdays. Winners will be notified with an email from prizedrawings@evolveme.asa.org after the drawing period closes to let them know they’ve won. You can see the full drawing scheduled in our Official Rules.
If you win, you’ll get an email from prizedrawings@evolveme.asa.org!
General Inquiries
Once you’ve earned enough points, you can redeem them for rewards by going to our Rewards Marketplace.
Your survey and poll data helps us create products that will make an informed impact for your generation.
Nope! We never share or sell PII.
Yes! We promise EvolveMe is legit. It’s a product of American Student Assistance® (ASA®). We totally get that EvolveMe sounds too good to be true, but it completely aligns with the ASA mission to help students explore future possibilities and give them tools to make educated decisions about the future in a doable and fun way.
EvolveMe is a free online tool that helps teens develop important life skills for after high school. EvolveMe helps make the process of exploring your future less overwhelming and more manageable with interesting activities, like online games or mini-lessons. Once you complete an activity, you’ll earn points that can be redeemed for rewards.
ASA is a national non-profit that’s been around for over 60 years. The goal of ASA is to help students prepare for life after high school by giving them resources to learn about possible education paths and careers. Planning for your future and developing new skills can be a lot to take on. But that’s why EvolveMe was created! No matter your goals, you’ll get the info to explore all options and make the best choices for you. You can check out the ASA website, asa.org, to learn more.
Anyone can create an EvolveMe account and do the activities! However, only 13 to 19-year-olds will be able to redeem their points for rewards.
You’ll earn points when you complete tasks. The more tasks you do, the more points you earn, and the more rewards you can redeem for. You can only have one EvolveMe account to earn points with, and you can’t share your login information with siblings or friends. This goes against our Terms of Use – and means your account could be shut off.
Gift Cards
If it’s been more than 10 business days since redeeming your points for the gift card, reach out to support@evolveme.asa.org. In the email, please include your EvolveMe email address and the date that you redeemed your EvolveMe points.
It can take up to 10 business days to receive your gift card. Your gift card will be delivered to your email address, so keep an eye out for it and check your spam folder!
No, your gift card choices are limited to the ones in the Rewards Marketplace.
ADR, or All Digital Rewards, is the company that handles the administration of EvolveMe gift cards.
No, you can’t change your gift card choice once you’ve redeemed your points.
If you completed a task and were not awarded your points on EvolveMe, reach out to support@evolveme.asa.org. In the email, please include a screenshot or additional evidence supporting that you have completed the task.
Your activity on EvolveMe may have violated our Terms of Use. If you think your account has been shut off incorrectly, send an email to support@evolveme.asa.org.
If you’re trying to redeem your points for a Weekly Drawing entry or a gift card, send an email to support@evolveme.asa.org. In the email, please include your EvolveMe account email and let us know about the problem you’re having.
If a task on EvolveMe doesn’t seem to be working as expected, send an email to support@evolveme.asa.org. In the email, please include the name of the task, the name of the partner providing the task, and let us know about the problem you’re having. If you are on a partner’s website, you can also reach out to their support team and describe the issue you’re having.
